Tree Swallows

The Tree Swallow is a beautiful birds averaging 13.5cm (5.3in) in length and weighing only 20g. Both males and females have a stunning iridescent blue-green upper-body and a pristine white underbelly. Males tend to be slightly more vibrant blue while females are more green.  

The Tree Swallow is a beautiful birds averaging 13.5cm (5.3in) in length and weighing only 20g. Both males and females have a stunning iridescent blue-green upper-body and a pristine white underbelly. Males tend to be slightly more vibrant blue while females are more green.

These little birds are highly social creatures. Migrating flocks can number in the hundreds of thousands! They make their nests in dead trees (such as this). They lay 4-7 eggs which start off as pale pink, then turn pure white within 4 days. The eggs have an incubation period of 11-20 days and a nesting period of 15-25 days.

These little birds are highly social creatures. Migrating flocks can number in the hundreds of thousands!

Tree swallows are built to be nimble! Their aerodynamic head, wings and tail feathers allow them to turn on a dime. They can even barely skim the surface of a lake or stream while submerging just their beak to get a quick drink on the go! I combined a few of my favourite Tree Swallow aerobatic special moves into this single photo. I hope you enjoyed this short post on the amazing and adorable Tree Swallow!